Proizvodnja voća je zastupljena
na 400 hektara gde jabuka čini okosnicu sa zastupljenošću od
preko 300 hektara. NajvIše zastupljene sorte su: Idared, Jonagold, Golden Delicious
i Granny Smith

JA•BU•KA juices are produced by mechanical squeezing of 100% of healthy apple fruits without the addition of water, sugar, color, flavor and preservatives.
Natural apple juice is great for hydrating the body, giving energy and it is good for health.

Currently we are packing Golden Delicious from ULO chambers, and from 01.02.2016. we have in plan to open the chamber with Jonagored and Idared.


Jonagold is an American variety made 40 - of the previous century, and as the name suggests, is obtained by crossing Golden Delicious and Jonathan. The production was introduced 1968th and became especially popular in Europe. Jonagold is a perfect blend of two varieties!

TASTE:  Honey sweet taste of Golden Delicious and lively acidulous taste Jonathan, Jonagold make excellent sweet-acidulous apple dessert. Texture of its meat is especially crisp and juicy. Excellent for eating apples, fruit salads and baking!